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Also known as Community Mental Health Services

Mental Health, Alcohol and Drug, Counselling Service
NDIS Support Coordination – helping you to make the best use of your supports in plan. While we primarily specialise in people with psychosocial disabilities/mental illness our support coordinators also have experience working alongside people with other disabilities such as autism and physical disabilities. Recovery Coaching - assisting to build a participant’s capacity and skills, encouraging independence and goal achievement. Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Treatment Service (DARTS) – We offer comprehensive drug and alcohol treatment services for people with problematic substance use issues. Bridges provides treatment across all types of drug use, including cannabis, methamphetamine (ICE), misuse of pharmaceuticals like codeine, solvent misuse (sniffing), and tobacco. Community Based Mental Health (CBMH) - includes both advocacy and practical support to access services to address both psychological and social needs, such as housing, and linking in with employment providers. People who identify with moderate to severe mental illness and complex needs are eligible for these services. Transition From Correctional Facility – Recovery Support Program is for people with moderate to severe mental illness who have been incarcerated in the Capricorn Correctional Centre.

Contact Details

9 Derby StreetSouth GladstoneQLD 4670
PO Box 4BundabergQLD 4670
1800 263 2374 (Direct to Clinician)
07 4151 6186
Monday 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM
Tuesday 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM
Wednesday 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM
Thursday 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM
Friday 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM

Call for further information. Hours of operation maybe subject to change.


Referral required. Appointment required. Waiting list. Self / family / friends & General Practitioner

Charges and Fees

Call to make an enquiry.

Accessibility and Special Requirements

Not applicable
Mental Health, Alcohol and Drug, Counselling Service, Adult mental health, Child and Youth mental health, Child mental health, Community mental health, Infant mental health, Integrated mental health, Mental health outreach program, Psychogeriatric, Support networks and associations, Alcohol, Alcohol counselling, Alcohol detoxification, Detoxification, Drug, Drug counselling, Illicit drug diversion program, Substance counselling, Suicide, Suicide prevention
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